This is the original concept I used for my portfolio home page. The site was built using WordPress, and features an extended back-end CMS environment to make updates really fast and easy.
The custom WordPress theme I developed uses a timepiece analogy to reflect the quality and accuracy that underpins my approach to web design services.
WordPress provided an excellent foundation for a professional site. The plug-ins I developed and other features I added make the site a powerful and configurable CMS solution.
To enable the development of the site, I also a devised a content workflow. What this means is that graphics, text and other media can be quickly and easily be generated, approved and integrated onto the site.
The site makes full use of WordPress custom posts and also the Pods CMS system that allows for discrete database-driven content to be added anywhere on the site.
In both cases, the content is handled as a part of the standard WordPress admin GUI, making it intuitive and logical to use.
Next generation user content
This also means that anyone with reasonable skills in Photoshop can update the site quickly and easily.
This is a feature I would aim to pass on to clients when I hand over their sites, as this will allow them to generate graphics consistent with the look and feel of the site.